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Friendship Cup at football – Şuteşti commune (Brăila county)

20 Roma and non-Roma students from Șuteşti commune, Brăila County, met on November 5th to participate in the "Friendship Cup at football", part of the project "We can do more Together". Before starting the competition, the organizers discussed with the children about what discrimination and racism mean, they talked about stereotypes and prejudices, about labels, but also about the importance of giving time to get to know those around us.

166 years since the abolition of Roma slavery - Iași

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On February 20th, a meeting of the minorities living in Iasi took place, where the prime topic of the discussion concerned the over 500 years when the Roma were properties of the rulers, the church and the bourgeoise. The host of the discussion was Adi Cristi, the manager of the House of Culture of Iasi "Mihai Ursachi" and Elena Motaș, counselor on Roma issues within Iasi Prefecture.

Selection announcement

#WeCanDoMoreTogether so we started the registration for the training program addressed to Roma experts and leaders! "Împreună" Agency together with its partners, the National Roma Culture Center Romano-Kher, “Amare Rromentza” Roma Center Association, DANROM Făurei Association, Association for Marginalized Communities Botoșani ....
