Partner Presentation

Applicant: Foundation Agency "Împreună"

The project is implemented in a broad partnership and includes as an applicant: Foundation Agency "Împreună"

Foundation Agency "Împreună"

Roma organization with activities aimed at the development of Roma communities with a history of over 20 years.

And as partners

The Roma Amare Rromentza Center Association

Roma organization that promotes Roma culture and identity

Romano-Kher National Roma Culture Center

The Public institution that aims to preserve, promote and develop the ethno-cultural values of the Roma community.

Together with 5 Roma NGOs from local/county level

The Marginalized Communities Association Botoșani

The Marginalized Communities Association Botoșani has joined the "We can do more together" project as a local partner! Together we increase Roma inclusion and make the voice of the Roma in Botoșani heard.

The Făgăraș Roma Association

One of the five local partners of the project is the Roma Association from Făgăraș. There are many reasons for which we've ended up working together.

The DANROM Făurei Association

One of the local partners of the project is The DANROM Făurei Association. We are glad that we have the opportunity to work together and we hope that through the video description you will get to know the things that brought us together in the project!

The Community Development Agency in Buzău

One of our trustworthy local partners in the program is the Community Development Agency! Together we will make the voice of the Roma in Buzău heard in order to contribute to the solving of community's issues.

The Ursari Roma Association from Dagâța

The Ursari Roma Association from Dagâța is one of the five local partners of the "Putem Mai Mult Împreună" project. The purpose of the organization is to contribute to the development of Roma communities, and together we will empower the Roma in Iasi so that they actively contribute to solving community problems and make their voices heard.
