

Training activities for teachers working with Roma students

Teachers from the five partner schools will participate in 16 hours / topic in each of the 4 areas needed to effectively address the inclusion of Roma children.

  1. approach focused on the needs of the student;
  2. inclusive school;
  3. democracy;
  4. human rights.

The training will take place over a period of 2 days for each field. The training will combine elements of theory with practical elements of methods and techniques that can turn the school into an inclusive environment. The innovation element of the course will be that the participants will obtain a diploma certifying competence in the four areas only if they prove that they have applied the methods learned in the course in their school. The multiplication of these learned methods will be done in teams by teachers in the methodical circles at the county level.


80 teachers were trained in topics such as the approach centered on them, inclusive school, democracy, human rights contributed to the creation of an inclusive culture at the level of the 5 schools involved in the project. The teaching staff had the opportunity to exchange experience, to learn new methods and techniques in class and to adapt them according to the local context.

The participants were divided into 4 groups and participated in one training each, with a duration of 2 days. The training combined theoretical elements of the centered approach with practical elements of methods and techniques that can be used in the classroom. The topics covered during the trainings were: Student-centered teaching approaches, Inclusive school training, Democracy and education for active citizenship, Human/child rights, tolerance and anti-discrimination.
