Together for an Inclusive School

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.

This project was carried out with the financial support of the SSE Financial Mechanism 2014 - 2021. The content of the web page does not reflect the official position of the Program Operator, the National Contact Point or the Office of the Financial Mechanism.

Agentia Impreuna

Project Implemented by "Împreună" Agency

The Together for an Inclusive School project aims to increase the level of access to quality and inclusive education in five school located in marginalised communities that are exposed to social exclusion in Ilfov county. The project is focused on children, specifically meeting their needs such as the need to have intereactive classes, to be values and encouraged, to feel safe in the school environment, to be involved and consultated and to have a healthy relationship between teachers-students-parents.

Our Partners

The project is carried out by the Community Development Foundation Agency "Împreună" in partnership with the Secondary School no. 1 Pantelimon; Gymnasium School no. 4 Buftea, structure of the Gymnasium School no. 3 Buftea; Gymnasium School Nr. 1 Tunari; Gymnasium School no. 3 Sintești – Vidra, structure of the Gymnasium School Nr. 2 "Crețești Vidra"; „Cezar Nicolau” Technological High School.


The teachers and students from the five partner schools participated in 16 hours/topic in each of the 4 areas necessary to approach the effective inclusion of Roma children.


Curriculum Development

Each of the five partner schools created a curriculum to develop inclusive practices at the school level and implemented them during the school year.

Dezvoltare Curriculum

Parental Activities & Exchange of Experience

In each of the 5 partner schools, groups of parents (Roma and non-Roma) were organized to take part in a series of parenting activities over a period of 12 months.

Activitati Parentale

Identifying and Promoting Successful Local Models

At the level of each school, a group of students was organized consisting of approximately 10 people who identified resource persons at the local level, role models for the other members of the community. Each of them were interviewed and their stories were added to a booklet of successful models.

Modele de Succes

Activities with and for Students

  1. Mentoring for inclusion and increasing self-esteem
  2. International Roma Day
  3. Journalism Circle – school magazine on inclusion
  4. […]
Activitati cu si Pentru Elevi