Get Involved

We need to be together for good things to happen!


Be the change you wish to see in the world” (Mahatma Ghandi).

Why volunteer?

1. Most importantly: contribute to changing the society you, your loved ones and
those who will follow after you live in for the better,

2. You feel a sense of accomplishment when you see that the help you give really
matters to those in need and this will raise your self-esteem.

3. You make friends: through volunteering you socialise, you have the opportunity
to meet nice people with whom you have common interests.

4. Volunteering is considered work experience, you can put this experience on your
resume and it will help you when you are looking for a job.

5. You gain skills in communication, organisation, time management and

6. You connect to reality - you have the opportunity to discover the world.

7. You have the opportunity to grow, find out what your best skills are and
what you want to do in the future.

We're waiting for you at the Together team if you want to give some of your time
and compassion.

Together Together we turn the wheel of the mind and the wheel of the heart to
make good things happen.

Support one of our events

The "A Santa for All" campaign is an annual fundraising event of the Foundation which aims to bring the magic of the holidays into the homes of children who each year await the arrival of Santa Claus but rarely or never have felt his presence. For more than 15 years, Santa Claus has reached more than 3,500 children in many parts of the country.

Redirect 3.5% of your income tax

Since 2020 all non-profit organisations can receive up to 3.5% of income tax. If you had taxable income the previous year, you can choose to support a specific cause or pay the full amount of tax to the government.
Fill in the 230 FORM with your and the Foundation's identification data, then sign the contributor's signature.
Send the electronic document to, before May the 25th 2021, and we will send it to ANAF (According to ANAF order no.936/2020, published in M.Of. no.325/2020.) or you can use ANAF online service, Virtual Private Space.

This will contribute to:

- an inclusive education of quality for every child;
- a society based on knowing the people around us;
- a solidarity-based Romania.

Get involved

and make a difference!

    Or you can make a donation

    RO32 BACX 0000 0030 0177 9007

    How to make a donation?

    You can donate to one of the Împreună Agency Foundation accounts mentioned below, using the following identification details: (1) "Împreună" Community Development Agency ; (2) Tax code: 12180126; (3) Unicredit Bank - Izvor branch. (4) Postal code of the Împreună Agency Foundation: 040522
    • Lei account: RO32 BACX 0000 0030 0177 9007
    • Euro account: RO36 BACX 0000 0030 0177 9032
    • USD account: RO97 BACX 0000 0030 0177 9001